And it is on those moments of desperation that one needs
And it is on those moments of desperation that one needs
And it is on those moments of desperation that one needs
And it is on those moments of desperation that one needs
That one believes
That one stretches
That one bends
That I ...
Life can be very hard and heavy on us times and times, but there's always the hope that something lighter, brighter, and well fought for is waiting at the end of the long dark night. Hang in there, my dear.
sending you a big hug.
زندگی تکرار تکرار است
تکرار است
تکرار است
ولی زیباست.
عنوان را دریاب ، اگر دریافتی آنوقت می فهمم.
Just wanted to say hi Roja joonam and hope every thing is all right.
Take care :).
My dearest Jeerjeerak,
Masoud Jan,
Thanks, Thanks Thanks...
Behi Joonam,
It will pass... Thanks!
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