Monday, December 19, 2011

Art is by much Weaker than Necessity...

CHORUS: Shoot not beyond the mark in succouring man While thou thyself art comfortless: for Am of good hope that from these bonds escaped Thou shalt one day be mightier than Zeus.

PROMETHEUS: Fate, that brinks all things to an end, not thus, apportioneth my lot: ten thousand pangs must bow, ten thousand miseries afflict me ere from these bonds I freedom find, for Art is by much weaker than Necessity.
CHORUS: Who is the pilot of Necessity?

PROMETHEUS: The Fates triform, and the unforgetting Furies.

[Excerpts from Prometheus Bound by Aeschylus, ]

Saturday, December 03, 2011

The Majesty of the Myosotis

There is no magic in the lonely nights,
There is no miracle in the sound of rain,
There is no majesty in the Myosotis near the stony brook,

The magic is made by you!
The miracle is in your happiness after the rain!
The majesty of the Myosotis is in your memory of their tender existence!

*Happy Birthday Brian!

Friday, December 02, 2011

The Black Notebook: An Autumn Rain!

It is raining in Austin; an autumn rain.
Tehran is far away, two oceans away!
The struggle to remember the smell of my hometown in the rain ends in a fiasco of tears.
It is raining in Austin, an autumn rain!
Missing you all! (Dec. 2nd 2011, Austin)

Resting at the bookshelf, the black notebook gave its last page to these lines.
At the end of my shopping list I added, Black Notebook!